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The company provides research and supply various mining and industrial chemicals from local and international manufacturers. It also supply laboratory testing and medical equipment, including consumables. The company has the following business objectives:

  • To provide a quality and cost effective gold leaching lixiviant which is far less toxic than the commonly used, yet environmentally unfriendly Sodium Cyanide in the gold mining sector.
  • Continually build local capacity to supply a comprehensive range of mining chemicals.
  • Efficient distributor of quality medical and laboratory equipment and consumables.



ACADEX® is a non toxic gold dissolution reagent used as an alternative to cyanide. Gold processing operations can greatly benefit by changing over cyanide to ACADEX® in their gold dissolution processes through reduced impact on health and safety risks as ACADEX® is safer to use than cyanide, as well as through reduced environmental impact due to its low toxicity, improved efficiencies over cyanide, especially on difficult to leach gold ores without the need to pre-condition the feed material.



  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Coconut shell activated carbon
  • Flocculants
  • Xanthates (S.I.B.X. and P.A.X) 90% pellets
  • Carboxymethyl Cellulose - mining grade
  • Manganese Oxide
  • Sulphiric acid


ACA Chemicals also provides services of supplying specialized medical and laboratory equipment, where the South African Government is the main client, particular Departments of Health and Water & Sanitation.

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